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  • Safety review day held at wing

    The 167th Airlift Wing held an operational safety review day, June 15, as part of an Air Force-wide event intended to assess and discuss safety and gather feedback from Airmen.


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Check out what our fellow 167th Airman are doing during their mission in East Central Georgia. Over two dozen 167th Medical Group members are providing dental, eye, and medical treatments at five separate locations. @Innovative Readiness Training #AugustaCare18 @National Guard
https://www.dvidshub.net/news/283203/167aw-airman-spotlight-july-2018 Meet Tech. Sgt. Alex Whalton, the 167th Airlift Wing's Airman Spotlight for July 2018.
Get you team registered for the 167th Airlift Wing Family Readiness Group Golf Scramble 2018
Congratulations on your retirement and THANK YOU for your service. TSgt Michael Baker, AS Lt. Col. Peter Gross, OSS MSgt Aaron Harding, MXS MSgt Christopher Harding, MXG MSgt Keith Knotts, LRS SSgt Gary Mellott, MXS MSgt Richard Sleichter, SFS MSgt Robert Webb, MOF Lt. Col. Lisa Windle, AS
Spiritual Resiliency and Volunteering by Chaplain (2nd Lt.) Clinton Dunham The Air Force has four pillars of Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Social. The Chaplain Corp is responsible for leading the spiritual pillar. Spiritual resiliency is part of this process. Spiritual resilience is defned as the ability to sustain an individual's sense of self and purpose through a set of beliefs, principles or values.A helpful way to exercise spiritual resilience is by cultivating gratitude and counting your blessings. Be thankful for what you do have rather than focusing on what you're missing.Build optimism and be positive. Accept the past and focus on the future. It may be challenging and overwhelming now but how will it improve your future, consider it as a stepping stone to fulfll your lifelong dream. There is something transformative that happens deep in our soul when we give to others freely and generously. Volunteering can be done anytime or any-where to help someone who is hurting or struggling to make ends meet. Not only do you fll an immediate need, you also build spiritual resiliency and strength in your own life.We live in a culture driven by achieve-ments and accomplishments. We are pro-gramed to work hard and get promoted as part of the American dream. Having recently spent some time volunteering at a hospital. I was over-whelmed with a feeling of spiritual fulfillment. Whether it was praying with a family after their loved one passed or mentoring a staf member struggling with a difcult case, the feeling of knowing you helped someone is invaluable. Whatever your talent or skill when you give of yourself freely, not expect-ing anything in return, it leaves you with a great feeling. There is no doubt there will be a sacrifce involved but it is will be worth the cost.
What is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and What Can I do about it? by Cristina Firescue-Williams, LCSW-C, Director of Psychological Health, 167th Airlift Wing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is one of those things that most don’t want to discuss. Throughout the years it has been a topic that was often swept under the rug until its efects became too great to ignore. According to the National Center for PTSD about “60% of men and 50% of women experience at least one traumatic event. Of those who do, about 8% of men and 20% of women will develop PTSD.” Those statistics increase for those that have experienced combat and/or sexual assault. Unfortunately, although these numbers are signifcant, many that experience trauma do not reach out for help even though earlier intervention and assistance can be much more successful in treatment. So how does PTSD happen and what can you do about it? First, one has to experience a traumatic event. Examples of traumatic events are: combat exposure, terrorist attacks, physical and/or sexual abuse (whether as a child or adult), natural disaster, serious accident… These are by no means all-encompassing and many more events can be traumatic to varying degrees to diferent people. Second, after the trauma has happened, the person will experience some form of stress reaction. Although the reactions may be unsettling and unpleasant, they are a normal part of the process. The reactions one may experience are:- Fear or anxiety- Sadness or depression- Guilt and shame- Anger and irritability- Other behavior changes: behaving in unhealthy ways that is not characteristic of one’s normal behaviorThe hope is that these symptoms/reac-tions will eventually dissipate and the person will be able to process through the trauma and get back to their normal level of functioning. But, if the symptoms continue to disrupt daily life after a three month period, one should seek help. Third, there are four types of symp-toms when experiencing PTSD:- Reliving the event (memories of the event come back suddenly, experiencing nightmares/fashbacks)- Avoiding situations that remind you of the event- Feeling numb (unable to express your feelings, staying away from relation-ships, loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed)- Feeling keyed up/hyperarousal (easily startled, sudden irritability, being overly alert and on the lookout for danger)If you experience any of these four symptoms, it is recommended that you seek help. There are many resources for one to utilize as self-help tools when dealing with trauma, but it is best to seek professional help if the symptoms indicate PTSD. The information gathered in this article comes from the National Center for PTSD www.ptsd.va.gov. Other resources are: Center for the study of traumatic stress http://healthyminds.org/multimedia/ptsd.pdf, the VA National Center for PTSD http://www.ncptsd.va.gov/ncmain/ncdocs/manuals/Guide-forMilitary.pdf as well as some apps that can be downloaded on your phone. Two apps that can be benefcial are PTSD Coach and T2MoodTracker. As the Director of Psychological Help" target="_blank">http://www.centerforthestudyoftramaticstress.org, American Psychiatric Association information on PTSD http://healthyminds.org/multimedia/ptsd.pdf, the VA National Center for PTSD http://www.ncptsd.va.gov/ncmain/ncdocs/manuals/Guide-forMilitary.pdf as well as some apps that can be downloaded on your phone. Two apps that can be benefcial are PTSD Coach and T2MoodTracker. As the Director of Psychological Help
Congratulations on your promotions, Airmen. To Airman Alisia Turner, MDG Justin Butcher, LRSJ ohn-Mark Michael, LRS To Senior Airman William Wagstaf, OSS Seth Vanorsdale, SFS Destinee Moore, FSS To Staff Sergeant Raymond Nouhra, SFS To Technical Sergeant Jodie Witmer, AW Myrissa Everhart, MXG To Chief Master Sergeant Mark Abe, LRS To First Lieutenent Rachel Corsale, MDG To Captain Rodney Brown, AW Ryan Day, AS
Welcome Back from Technical Training AB Michael McLaughlin, LRS A1C Braden Stutzman, SFS A1C Christopher Williams, SFS A1C Julia Williams, MDG A1C Benjamin Taylor, FSS
U.S. Air Force General Carlton Everhart, Commander of the Air Mobility Command, recently traveled aboard one of the 167th Airlift Wing’s C-17 Globemasters. Here’s a photo of him and our crew, from left to right: Tech. Sgt. Chad Witmer, Maj. Trey Zinsser, Maj. Jared Shank, Gen. Everhart, Chief Master Sgt. Larry Williams, Capt. Jack Mesner, Senior Airman Kyle Leuschen, Senior Master Sgt. Mark Snyder, Tech. Sgt. Joe Kidwell.
Welcome to the 167th Airlift Wing AB Cody Kennedy, AS AB Liam Mahoney, CF AB Calista Plante, SFS AB Alexis Unger, LRS AB Collin Webster, LRS AMN Trevor Campbell, AS A1C Gabriel Hall, AS A1C Stephen Minter, MXS SSgt Jason Pagan, CES MAJ Christopher Kerker, AS
German airmen express appreciation for Wing's support Col. David Cochran, 167th Airlift Wing vice commander, accepts a plaque for the 167th AW from Maj. Peter Lukazcyk, 62nd Air Transport Wing fight planning ofcer, at the Martinsburg, W.Va. air base, May 9, 2018. The plaque was given in appreciation for the support provided by the 167th AW to the 62nd Air Transport Wing. An Airbus A400M, assigned to the 62nd Air Transport Wing of the German Air Force, was awaiting the use of an aircraft hangar to perform a maintenance requirement at Dulles International Airport but was able to fy into the Martinsburg air base, a short fight from Dulles, to expedite the repair. Tech. Sgt. Heather Nattkemper, a maintenance logistical manager for the 167th Maintenance Operations Flight accepts a photograph from Lukazcyk for the support she provided to the 62nd Air Transport Wing. Nattkemper, and her husband, Master Sgt. Maik Nattkemper who works fight operations for a detachment of the German Armed Forces Command based at the Dulles airport, were instrumental in getting the German Airbus to the 167th AW for maintenance.
Tomorrow LIVE on our Facebook page, @USAirForce: @SecAFOfficial, @CSAFOfficial & #CMSAFWright unveil TSgt John Chap… https://t.co/q9BS42nGp6
Tech. Sgt. John Chapman was inducted into the Pentagon's Hall of Heroes during a ceremony today. #MedalOfHonor https://t.co/QsVpRxq0e0
See #MedalOfHonor recipient TSgt John Chapman's heroic actions brought to life. https://t.co/n8GoRAFykl
RT @GenDaveGoldfein: Not only was John a fearless warrior – he was a good man. Such is the nature of those who receive our Nation’s highest…
"Our Nation endures and continues to be the land of the free because of brave men -- because of John Chapman." -… https://t.co/FvbO2vAn1X
RT @SecAFOfficial: Although I was not privileged to know TSgt Chapman, the events of March 4, 2002, and the events of this week help us all…
Tech. Sgt. John Chapman is being inducted into the Pentagon's HALL OF HEROES! Watch it LIVE! https://t.co/C9DHuVqrtO https://t.co/h2C66KxfaA
Head over to our #Facebook page, @USAirForce, today at 10:00 a.m. EDT to witness @SecAFOfficial, @GenDaveGoldfein &… https://t.co/j6gjtwhjte
RT @CBSEveningNews: In 2002, Sgt. John Chapman knowingly stepped into the sights of al Qaeda machine guns, sacrificing himself to save his…
#ICYMI: TSgt John Chapman was posthumously awarded the #MedalOfHonor during a ceremony @WhiteHouse.… https://t.co/aoUVrgHxVw
Watch #LIVE at 10 a.m. EDT on August 23rd, as TSgt John Chapman is inducted into the Hall of Heroes at the Pentagon… https://t.co/vMn6oOxMgg
TSgt John Chapman was posthumously awarded the #MedalOfHonor during a ceremony at the @WhiteHouse. @POTUS https://t.co/olaxHm8dIc
RT @SecAFOfficial: Today TSgt John Chapman was posthumously awarded the #MedalofHonor. It was my honor to be part of this historic ceremony…
RT @LesterHoltNBC: Air Force Tech Sgt. John Chapman posthumously awarded Medal of Honor today for sacrificing himself in chaotic 2002 battl…
The heartbeat of the #AirForce is the squadron — our foundational #warfighting unit. It's where culture resides,… https://t.co/vqfepLbKgc
“We are gathered together this afternoon to pay tribute to a fallen warrior – TSgt John Chapman – and to award him… https://t.co/xMcwLKaDVt
WE'RE LIVE! #Tuneinnow as Tech. Sgt. John Chapman is posthumously awarded the #MedalOfHonor @WhiteHouse.… https://t.co/v1X5NJOVGF
TSgt John Chapman will be posthumously awarded the #MedalOfHonor at 3:30 p.m. EDT @WhiteHouse. Watch LIVE on our… https://t.co/AE8tnBzzGb
#DYK: TSgt John Chapman is the first #Airman to be recognized with the #MedalofHonor for heroic actions occurring a… https://t.co/t0A5EXMvdW
This trio of brothers takes #Wingman to a new level! Not only are they #USAF pilots, they've flown multiple deploye… https://t.co/FWEsDDFWni