Sept. 16, 2022 167th Airlift Wing Airman Spotlight September 2022 U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Travis Turner is an aerospace propulsion journeyman for the 167th Maintenance Squadron and the 167th Airlift Wing Airman Spotlight for September 2022.
Aug. 11, 2022 167th Airlift Wing Airman Spotlight August 2022 Senior Airman Robert Suchman is an administration journeyman for the 167th Airlift Wing headquarters staff and the 167th Airlift Wing Airman Spotlight for August 2022.
Aug. 10, 2022 Exercise Exercise Exercise, 167th conducts active shooter exercise A base-wide active shooter exercise was conducted, Aug. 7, allowing Airmen to apply the escape, barricade or fight response to an active shooter.
Aug. 10, 2022 McDavid assumes command of the 167th Logistics Readiness Squadron An assumption of command ceremony for the 167th Logistics Readiness Squadron was held in the 167th Airlift Wing dining facility, Aug. 6.
Aug. 10, 2022 167th Firefighters obtain new skills through swift water rescue training Airmen with the 167th Civil Engineering Squadron participated in a five-day swift water rescue certification course, July 18-22 at different waterfront locations in Jefferson County.
Aug. 10, 2022 New stands aid aircraft inspections and maintenance A set of newly-manufactured maintenance stands were recently delivered to the 167th Maintenance Group and set up in the Home Station Check (HSC) aircraft hangar at Shepherd Field, Martinsburg, West Virginia.
July 26, 2022 167th Airlift Wing Airman Spotlight August 2022 Staff Sgt. Kyle Leuschen is a loadmaster for the 167th Airlift Squadron and the 167th Airlift Wing’s Airman Spotlight for July 2022.
June 17, 2022 167th Airlift Wing supports large-scale multi-national exercises in Europe 167th Airlift Wing C-17 Globemaster III aircraft crew, maintainers and air transportation specialists supported large-scale multi-national exercises Swift Response and DEFENDER-Europe 22 held in locations throughout Europe in May.
June 17, 2022 Extended drill brings 167th Airlift Wing together for four days of training The 167th Airlift Wing combined June and July drill weekends into an extended, four-day unit training assembly, June 9-12, at Shepherd Field, Martinsburg, W.Va.
June 17, 2022 167th Airlift Wing Airman Spotlight June 2022 Airman 1st Class Darby Harris is a security forces journeyman for the 167th Security Forces Squadron and the 167th Airlift Wing Airman Spotlight for June 2022.